Monday, October 17, 2011

Why War is Morally Superior to Legal Abortion

There are people in the world who need to be killed in order to protect the innocent. None of those people are preborn children.

I have a friend who says that she is against starving children to death and that child starvation is caused in huge numbers in refugee camps, which are caused by wars. Her further hatred of Republicans has apparently driven her to believe that Republicans exist to start wars. She has forgotten that Democrats and Republicans both voted to approve our ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

She is not aware, or doesn’t care, that the number of abortions in the U.S. increased 1500% after Roe v. Wade.

It is possible to wage a noble war: the end of Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito, the liberation of Iraqis and Afghanis from murderous dictators, the driving of Iraq out of Kuwait, the protection of our citizens, the defending of the people in Viet Nam and Korea from invading aggressors, the protection of innocents around the world.

It is not possible to nobly dismember a living infant.

Abortions are performed by people who cut up human children for money.

U.S. wars are waged by people who risk their lives for the protection of others. For some reason, there are people who believe that first group is more likely to tell them the truth than the second group.

Half of most wars are to defend the innocent.

One-hundred percent of every abortion is intended to kill the innocent.

The goal of war, whether offensive or defensive, is geopolitical change. The goal of war is rarely the killing of particular individuals or groups of people. The goal of war is never to kill children, and the United States regularly does everything humanly possible to ensure that children and civilians are spared, including providing aid to people in refugee camps that might result from any war anywhere.

The goal of abortion is the death of a child—always. It’s still a war even if the military action doesn’t result in anyone’s death. It is not an abortion if a child doesn’t die.

No one puts “Starting wars” in their party platform.

Protecting and promoting the legal killing of children throughout the world is a specifically stated goal of the Democrat party, included in their party platform election after election.

We do not ordinarily wage war against our own citizens.

Abortion in the U.S. is aimed directly at children—our own children. Though they have been ruled non-citizens by the Supreme Court (just like slaves in Dred Scott), U.S. abortions are nearly always performed against the children of this nation.

It is not morally wrong to kill someone who is shooting at you or actively trying to kill your children.

Abortion is morally wrong. Don’t believe me? Look at the photos of the dead children that result and get back to me.

Wars are usually forced upon us.

Abortion in the U.S. is most often forced on no one but the child. Pregnancy is caused by the consensual behavior of the parents 98% of the time. The only victim is the child.

The goal of an abortion is to kill a child, not an enemy combatant, not a convicted criminal, not a bloodthirsty dictator, not a terrorist who would enthusiastically give his life to blow your children to hamburger—a child. The goal of every abortion is the death of a child.

Democrats, through legal abortion, have murdered—get this—53 million human children as of 2011. Further, they have achieved this shocking atrocity in a mere 37 years, and in only a single country. There have not been 53 million children, refugees or otherwise, killed by all the wars in all of history in all the world, combined.

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