Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Killers of Children

I know some Democrats who believe abortion is murder. It is truly a bizarre belief to hold that a group could be wrong in their ferocious support and promotion of ripping living human children limb from limb in their mothers’ wombs, and yet morally right about everything else. It is equally bizarre to hold that there is somehow a virtue in that ferocious support and promotion of child murder, even when they resort to lying to do it. Republicans tend to shoot at people who are trying to kill children—-their own or others’. Democrats shoot at the people who are trying to prevent them from killing children-—their own and others’. And, they even make it a major, specific plank in their party platform election after election. No one has ever made “protecting and preserving war and exporting it to as many other countries as possible” a plank in their party platform. I have a friend who, in rationalizing her hatred of Republicans, told me she is against child starvation, which is often caused by war (the implication being that Republicans cause wars). Democrats are responsible for protecting and promoting the unrestrained murder of 53 million human children. There have not been that many children killed in total in every war that has ever been waged in the history of the world, refugees included. And the Democrats have managed this breathtaking atrocity in a single country in a mere 38 years. If you are a liberal/progressive, you have begun with a faulty assumption: that people who actively and deliberately engage in child murder could ever be the good guys. As I have said before, self deception is the hallmark of the liberal/progressive.